Please feel free to add any good and positive question/comment on what i could do to my website and what u like about it .  
12/12/2011 05:25:18 am

On the rock cycle and plate tectonics page you need to do some editing but otherwise that its good

12/12/2011 05:26:36 am

Rock Cycle:

The main rock cycle page has nice relevant info and is put into your own words, as i have read it has no words that seem to be copied from a text book or online source. capitals are all correct and the grammar is all correct! This looks as if it has been looked over by your whole family good job! You may want to resize the text smaller and add a video or two though. hope the rest of your learning journey works out

Winnie the poo
12/12/2011 05:32:59 am

Mary poppins I really like your rock cycle but I think you should add a little bit more information on the beginning part bt other than that I really liked it. :)

Mickey Mouse
12/12/2011 05:41:38 am

Hello Merry Poppins!
You did a very good job you put lots of good info and maybe you should put more descriptive word but over all well done!

12/12/2011 05:42:13 am

I like what you did it was pretty good Mary poppins. Make your sentences a bit longer though great job, it was really well done

Mr. Hong
12/13/2011 02:53:49 pm

@ Mary - You are missing pictures/videos from a lot of your pages. Check in your 'THEORY OF PLATE TECTONICS' section as well as the drop downs underneath it. You have been doing a good job keeping up so far, please keep it up! :)

Tony Hawk
1/3/2012 05:17:28 am

At the last sentense of your Rock Cycle page it says ''After this phase... what is that did u mean phrase? i like your website just that word i dont know


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